Building An Indoor Aquaponics System – Desktop Aquaponics System
Everyone it’s Robert Browning now if you’re like me you’re hoping that throughout the winter he be able to grow some food inside to test this aquaponics system they hopefully do that so basically where is we going to have the same thing like flood and drain in aquaponic system that use nutrients in fertilizers that we buy at the store that are already made what we’re going to do is work , we actually use fish ways to create an entrance for the class so stay tune so I show you guys how to make this system.
Indoor Aquaponics Project
Today I am gonna show you a little project that thinking for a while have an all these test that gonna be stages and I really wanted to something like that so I decided that I’d build aquaponics system just very small utilizing very little space in your house but you’re going to be able to grow vegetables that you can use your cooking anytime.
Alright.. so first thing we talk about what’s a girl that is getting here isn’t going to hold the Hydra and it’s going to hold some of the water that flood and draining and it’s going to hold the plants so I got it right here and see it and its quite in profile and it is 8 inches deep which is going to be perfect you wanna least six inches what is optimal eight inches for our purposes from A System’s going to be great. This is gonna whole 85 litres water and grow bed. So, we have to do this we’re going to need to create some sort of drain and fill pipe and we need to have the drain and fill pipes. So let’s get started so I got this bulkhead on eBay and essentially what that’s going to let me do is attach them those to the bottom here and it’s going to create a watertight seal at the bottom of this tot all the water to come up through here and then ran back so we need to do is create a hole for this and you want the bottom of the tank you can see that there’s quite a few ridge lines and support structure we don’t want to drill into that basically what we’re looking for is real looking for a flat area to drill a hole into so what I have is a one and a half inch hole saw and what I’m going to do is to drill a hole into one of the flat corners and that’s where I’m going to attach my bulkhead.
So I have my phone again so I can hold out for a minute what I need to have is a separate hole for a separate bulkhead on this side to allow for an overflow okay we gonna have some modification to the desk the desk so I need to put a hole in the desk for one of the bulkheads on this side and one of the bulkheads on this side so what I’m going to do is just place the unit right where I want it just like that and then using the same drill bit that we use to cut the holes in the first place I’m going to go ahead and cut a hole right into the desk now you see we have the whole on the table and that’s going to line up with the hole in the grow bed and bulkhead alright so have a bulkhead nice and tight coming out right over the holes that we drilled into place like so okay so I have some three-quarter inch PVC pipe that’s been threaded on one side you can find this in the interrogation center from depot. so what i gonna do with this pipe is create a maximum fill level for micro bad I wanted to be just below a few inches from the top so I’ll find where I want that too and and I’ll go ahead cut it out.
Okay so I have that mark on to be and then I just take my pipe cutter and we go ahead and cut the pipe. And now attach the pipe I have just cut and attach it to the bulkhead and this will be your fill level and I’ll just screw ride into the bulkhead top just like so soon as the water fills the girl bad once it reaches this level it will overflow and go back down to the fish tank okay so take a piece of abs and I cut lots of little holes in it this is going to allow the water to fill in screw this and what this is going to act as is a little trap to keep any of these little pieces of hydron and going into the pipe system okay so i have bag hydron here it’s just a expanded clay pellets we’re going to go ahead and use that to fill our system alright so we finish the top and now we need to focus on the firming below so what you can see here you can see all the piping that we have coming through the holes that we drilled in the top of the desk now that’s going to feed into this tot we’re going to keep the fish so right now what we need to do is build the piping system that’s going to come from the pipes just below down into the bottom of the fish tank.
Alright and now we’re going to go ahead and attach the Overflow lines the reason for this is I want to maintain the same water level on both sides this will create a sum between the two buckets so we’ll have one with a fish on it and then it’ll happen it’ll actually pump out the water from the second one and this will allow the fish waste sort of transfer from one to the other and also maintain more lesson even level of water fish inside this once they own experienced Falls and drops as the water is pumped up to the system so do that just take the hole side again and cut hole in each of the bucket and then we’re going to add these bulkheads teach at the bucket as well and then they’ll allow us to connect both of those so we’ll just go ahead and cut on the same side at same height pilot holes for the bulkheads now and now we can just go ahead and add our bulkhead on either sides and connects two points just using the three quarters wrench plastic tube in and now we have both buckets connected so I’m going to do another one in the back as well and the next thing I’m going to be doing is building that I have here is just a simple ball valve and what that’s going to do is just be able to give us the ability to regulate the flow of water this will help us and just how fast the tank fills we’re going to go ahead and attach our fittings so we have half inch fittings on either end we’re going to go ahead and add this reducer and this is going to allow us to go from the white or black half inch to the thicker diameter half inch clear tubing now we can attach this manifold to the pump now we have the ability to regulate the flow coming out of the pump into the Volvo.
Okay. if I added this T joint to connect these two pieces host together and that’s going to be for fill systems having attached that just like so next time measure the piece of this tubing and that will go from this to t-Joint section here all the way to the back where the field is all the way to the back with a fill valve is so we’ll go ahead and attach that here you can see I did the same thing with the returns and just getting all the flow of the two returns back into one single one lastly I’m going to an air pump and Air Stone to each of the two buckets this will just provide aeration alright so you wanna work on our timing system is basically what I have here the timer that works in 15 minute increments and what I wanted do is to make sure that the whole flood and drain cycle takes a total of about 30 minutes so we’re going to want to do is run the pump for 15 minutes and then have a drain and take about another 15 minutes so we’re just timing system now to come right now and see how long it takes to flood and drain. so even done if we figured out on the ball valve how far to turn it to allow it to take a full 15 minutes to cycle the water okay we just started this cycle and it’s kind of hard to see but you can see the little shimmer of water just starting to fill bed now you can see the water just about to come up to the top of the cycle there goes so now its fill lines to start draining about the bottom of the tank so you can see now it comes down it fills and drains into the fish tank and that’s gonna fill up its gonna move over across the tubing into the sum you can see it draining to the some ok at this point we basically have the system ready to go so what I’m going to do is I’m going to set the timer for 15 minutes intervals 4 times a day and basically what I gonna do that point is just test in between intervals and feel if it’s still moist about an inch or so down below if it’s still nice then that means that we have perfect timing basically what I’m looking for is one that dry in surface below so dry and then just set another interval right so like 5 times today it really is going to depend on the humidity in your house and how many plants are getting whether they start sucking all that water out. So speaking about plants there is next part of the system how do we get fish in the system how do get plants in the system right!
That’s everybody wants to know there is a little something called cycling which is going to take approximately three to six weeks and you’re going to have to be patient on that but I gonna outline in detail in the next video so go ahead and subscribe to me and you will get the video when it comes up I’m hoping to have it done in the next two weeks and feel free to like subscribing feel free to this video otherwise we hope to see you soon and happy growing!
The post Indoor Aquaponics Systems – How To Build An Indoor Aquaponics System appeared first on Build Your Own Aquaponics System - DIY Indoors Or Outdoors.
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