Sunday, 18 September 2016

Indoor Aquaponics Systems – How To Build An Indoor Aquaponics System

Building An Indoor Aquaponics System – Desktop Aquaponics System

Everyone it’s Robert Browning now if you’re like me you’re hoping that throughout the winter he be able to grow some food inside to test this aquaponics system they hopefully do that so basically where is we going to have the same thing like flood and drain in aquaponic system that use nutrients in fertilizers that we buy at the store that are already made what we’re going to do is work , we actually use fish ways to create an entrance for the class so stay tune so I show you guys how to make this system.

Indoor Aquaponics Project

desktop_aquaponics_systemToday I am gonna show you a little project that thinking for a while have an all these test that gonna be stages and I really wanted to something like that so I decided that I’d build aquaponics system just very small utilizing very little space in your house but you’re going to be able to grow vegetables that you can use your cooking anytime.

Alright.. so first thing we talk about what’s a girl that is getting here isn’t going to hold the Hydra and it’s going to hold some of the water that flood and draining and it’s going to hold the plants so I got it right here and see it and its quite in profile and it is 8 inches deep which is going to be perfect you wanna least six inches what is optimal eight inches for our purposes from A System’s going to be great. This is gonna whole 85 litres water and grow bed. So, we have to do this we’re going to need to create some sort of drain and fill pipe and we need to have the drain and fill pipes. So let’s get started so I got this bulkhead on eBay and essentially what that’s going to let me do is attach them those to the bottom here and it’s going to create a watertight seal at the bottom of this tot all the water to come up through here and then ran back so we need to do is create a hole for this and you want the bottom of the tank you can see that there’s quite a few ridge lines and support structure we don’t want to drill into that basically what we’re looking for is real looking for a flat area to drill a hole into so what I have is a one and a half inch hole saw and what I’m going to do is to drill a hole into one of the flat corners and that’s where I’m going to attach my bulkhead.

building_a_desktop_aquaponics_systemSo I have my phone again so I can hold out for a minute what I need to have is a separate hole for a separate bulkhead on this side to allow for an overflow okay we gonna have some modification to the desk the desk so I need to put a hole in the desk for one of the bulkheads on this side and one of the bulkheads on this side so what I’m going to do is just place the unit right where I want it just like that and then using the same drill bit that we use to cut the holes in the first place I’m going to go ahead and cut a hole right into the desk now you see we have the whole on the table and that’s going to line up with the hole in the grow bed and bulkhead alright so have a bulkhead nice and tight coming out right over the holes that we drilled into place like so okay so I have some three-quarter inch PVC pipe that’s been threaded on one side you can find this in the interrogation center from depot. so what i gonna do with this pipe is create a maximum fill level for micro bad I wanted to be just below a few inches from the top so I’ll find where I want that too and and I’ll go ahead cut it out.

Okay so I have that mark on to be and then I just take my pipe cutter and we go ahead and cut the pipe. And now attach the pipe I have just cut and attach it to the bulkhead and this will be your fill level and I’ll just screw ride into the bulkhead top just like so soon as the water fills the girl bad once it reaches this level it will overflow and go back down to the fish tank okay so take a piece of abs and I cut lots of little holes in it this is going to allow the water to fill in screw this and what this is going to act as is a little trap to keep any of these little pieces of hydron and going into the pipe system okay so i have bag hydron here it’s just a expanded clay pellets we’re going to go ahead and use that to fill our system alright so we finish the top and now we need to focus on the firming below so what you can see here you can see all the piping that we have coming through the holes that we drilled in the top of the desk now that’s going to feed into this tot we’re going to keep the fish so right now what we need to do is build the piping system that’s going to come from the pipes just below down into the bottom of the fish tank.


Alright and now we’re going to go ahead and attach the Overflow lines the reason for this is I want to maintain the same water level on both sides this will create a sum between the two buckets so we’ll have one with a fish on it and then it’ll happen it’ll actually pump out the water from the second one and this will allow the fish waste sort of transfer from one to the other and also maintain more lesson even level of water fish inside this once they own experienced Falls and drops as the water is pumped up to the system so do that just take the hole side again and cut hole in each of the bucket and then we’re going to add these bulkheads teach at the bucket as well and then they’ll allow us to connect both of those so we’ll just go ahead and cut on the same side at same height pilot holes for the bulkheads now and now we can just go ahead and add our bulkhead on either sides and connects two points just using the three quarters wrench plastic tube in and now we have both buckets connected so I’m going to do another one in the back as well and the next thing I’m going to be doing is building that I have here is just a simple ball valve and what that’s going to do is just be able to give us the ability to regulate the flow of water this will help us and just how fast the tank fills we’re going to go ahead and attach our fittings so we have half inch fittings on either end we’re going to go ahead and add this reducer and this is going to allow us to go from the white or black half inch to the thicker diameter half inch clear tubing now we can attach this manifold to the pump now we have the ability to regulate the flow coming out of the pump into the Volvo.

Okay. if I added this T joint to connect these two pieces host together and that’s going to be for fill systems having attached that just like so next time measure the piece of this tubing and that will go from this to t-Joint section here all the way to the back where the field is all the way to the back with a fill valve is so we’ll go ahead and attach that here you can see I did the same thing with the returns and just getting all the flow of the two returns back into one single one lastly I’m going to an air pump and Air Stone to each of the two buckets this will just provide aeration alright so you wanna work on our timing system is basically what I have here the timer that works in 15 minute increments and what I wanted do is to make sure that the whole flood and drain cycle takes a total of about 30 minutes so we’re going to want to do is run the pump for 15 minutes and then have a drain and take about another 15 minutes so we’re just timing system now to come right now and see how long it takes to flood and drain. so even done if we figured out on the ball valve how far to turn it to allow it to take a full 15 minutes to cycle the water okay we just started this cycle and it’s kind of hard to see but you can see the little shimmer of water just starting to fill bed now you can see the water just about to come up to the top of the cycle there goes so now its fill lines to start draining about the bottom of the tank so you can see now it comes down it fills and drains into the fish tank and that’s gonna fill up its gonna move over across the tubing into the sum you can see it draining to the some ok at this point we basically have the system ready to go so what I’m going to do is I’m going to set the timer for 15 minutes intervals 4 times a day and basically what I gonna do that point is just test in between intervals and feel if it’s still moist about an inch or so down below if it’s still nice then that means that we have perfect timing basically what I’m looking for is one that dry in surface below so dry and then just set another interval right so like 5 times today it really is going to depend on the humidity in your house and how many plants are getting whether they start sucking all that water out. So speaking about plants there is next part of the system how do we get fish in the system how do get plants in the system right!


That’s everybody wants to know there is a little something called cycling which is going to take approximately three to six weeks and you’re going to have to be patient on that but I gonna outline in detail in the next video so go ahead and subscribe to me and you will get the video when it comes up I’m hoping to have it done in the next two weeks and feel free to like subscribing feel free to this video otherwise we hope to see you soon and happy growing!

The post Indoor Aquaponics Systems – How To Build An Indoor Aquaponics System appeared first on Build Your Own Aquaponics System - DIY Indoors Or Outdoors.


How To Build Your Own DIY Aquaponics System For Under 150

Building an outdoor aquaponics system for under $150.00

Hey guys in the week I promise you as gonna give you aquaponics up running and here I am with a proof-of-concept. So just want to give you guys a quick walk around, literally this can be built for about $150 and it gives you 100 gallon stock tank for fish which is plenty and to approximately 20 gallon grow bags. So, I plan on doing that is and a whole bunch of other things in these. Now I’m going to get some pallets and I’m going to build a frame out of pallets for it and see I’m going to have to raise these beds up a little bit get some pallets then spread them out a little bit just because I’ll be I’ll have to get to the fish side of things but you know real simple all I really have is a four hundred gallon private pump real simple coming around on this platform tune into it a fitting that around it transfer to three quarter inch PVC.

Aquaponics PVC Piping

I got eight here running to two adjust to valves where can I get my info everything going in everything going out three quarter inch. So, then I’ve got myself a fence real simple just to 2inch pipe with the cab Christmas sets on the bottom just like everybody else it take me 2 days to figure out and I’m still have questions but I’ll get to that in a minute anyway this kind of raked up sandpiper Court downtown electrical fittings which basically if I can get down in here which basically goes into a rubber O-ring and then convert back into three quarter inch. and then I’ve got this little swig here and now as you’ll see in a minute it fills out I really helps that out over here same thing two inch pipe three quarter of a little bit of with a little bit of lips that you want to have a little bit of a bigger topper so I can help out with section as you can see this one about to start.

Fast Aquaponics Setup

So I’ll show you just how rapidly this thing gets going ready now I’m draining in about four minutes and I’m feeling in anywhere from 4 to 8 I can and rest up to ten. I can’t really just sit all the way down I finally got safe in to a where you can have a drink and it all still safe and that’s what took a lot of the time was actually getting it to start with such a low water pressure coming in unless I crank it up but I don’t want to do that because it fills too much I got adjusted to where it stops about that about an inch and half inches below in my media fill up to the top where you can see its its just getting started here so just water keeps filling up. Its hits back to stand pipes similar on this side.

So, basically just starts flowing and start fill in a minute my side safe in net fat so it takes about 3 minutes to drain which is really good. So, basically my questions are as well i m looking forward for a good amount of drain time and a good amount of fill time meaning how long should it take for the cycles that I’m still kind of learning about but so as you can see safe in works perfectly same set of mess up and that turns to tank then the process keeps repeating itself basically the same thing over here once the water gets up that stand by. I have any kind of wet strip you know extra holes in it on the top so that’s okay I don’t have any kind of extra I’m I have the same pipe going in and out some people said yeah they’re bigger going out but that’s not true I can get on the water come up and certainly full that is basically four contact all the time with your roots with the water so you know just a design came up with even if you were to go out and buy this exact same setup you probably have to tweak it a little bit so basically everything left I have to tweak is my flow rates and you know basically everything else is pretty self-explanatory you just want to just add water to fill underneath your medium should I top every medium get wet they basically just want to fill it to the top I left about 2 inches that you want to fill it that you meet get on the top for me wanted to just be about an inch below the surface eliminates bacteria build-up stuff like that also with the way that these aquaponic Bell siphons work I’m pretty sure that’s creating oxygen it’s definitely oxygenating it as it puts it back down in the tank so that’s good that you can see oh I missed it.


It’s off right away as well but still quite natural not shut off yet as you see just substance that a main water and then it just goes ahead and shut up so I mean I’m super happy with that it starts right up within about 30 seconds and it stops within about 30 seconds I think I have got my side my water level set right now just my question is what should I know what should the flow rate be on how long should it take to fill how long should it be in contact with the water but other than that basically just got to go get some claverack and then I’ll put them you know I’ll put another piece of PVC over these two to base their work as a filter for rocks and stuff so that it doesn’t get in there its basically it’s the setup so stay tuned for more to come get any questions please leave it in the comments I’ll be happy to give you guys dimensions on everything I’m going to take this apart because I’m going to be making a pallet stand for it, no closet at all and you look really really nice but basically this is just proof of concept working really really well so far he hasn’t missed a cycle it never not break the safe and it never not start right away so please leave me some comments like And subscribe and I will answer your questions as soon as possible and stay tuned for more talk to you soon.

The post How To Build Your Own DIY Aquaponics System For Under 150 appeared first on Build Your Own Aquaponics System - DIY Indoors Or Outdoors.


Sunday, 11 September 2016

Purdue University Study On The Aquaponics System

Aquaponics – Purdue University

It’s a 21st century reality that environmental concerns have had been impacting all areas of the US economy, including agriculture. Environmental awareness has created increase consumer interest in locally grown sustainable food production; while advances in technology continue to improve farming productivity and efficiency. It still requires a large amount two very precious natural resources, water and land. However there is a sustainable financially viable food production system; that utilizes approximately 2 % of the water use of the conventional farm. This system combines fish farming and hydroponics, to create a semiotic environment known as aquaponics.


Aquaponics brings together the practices of aquaculture raising fish and tanks with hydroponics; the practice of growing plants in a soil less environment. In an aquaculture system, waste accumulates in the tank which eventually has to be removed; to maintain the health of the fish. This bi-product contains rich nutrients that plants filter out; which allows the water to be recycled and sent back to the fish tanks to start the process all over again. An aquaponics system is scalable from small individual use, all the way up to a large commercial operation. An initial investment for equipment can range from a few thousand dollars to several thousand depending on the size of the operation. Keep in mind, for every gallon of water in your fish tank, you can have one half to one square feet of grow beds space depending on fish intensity; that feeding rates and for every one pound of fish to be raised you need one to two gallons of water.

The fish farming aspect of aquaponics is based on the eco-friendly recirculating aquaculture system. A recirculating system is an indoor system that allows for careful control of the fishes environment year round. While there are economic advantages of not being affected by the outside elements there is a higher initial investment; of equipment than they would be for caged or pond farming. In the recirculating system all proper fish husbandry practices supply. Water quality we maintain and carefully monitor consistent testing of water quality is a must to keep the fish healthy of disease free. Access to water and reliable electricity is crucial for success; even though the water is being recirculated, run off and evaporation will occur. The water supply will need to be occasionally replenished, electricity or some sort of power is necessary; to keep the fish tank at the ideal temperature and run pumps, to circulate water back between tanks.

This type of optimal condition allows for a fast growing stock that is less susceptible to disease; but regular observation is still an important factor in maintaining fish health, any behavioral changes particularly during feeding is an indicator of problems. The feed you use will be determined by the type of specie you choose to raise, but whichever feed you select it must provide a complete diet and be of the floating variety and auto or demand feeder is frequently used in the recirculating environment. Even though the feeding process is automated you still want to be present to observe the feeding behavior. Tilapia is the most common specie raised in the recirculating system; because of its large size, rapid growth, high density and hardiness. Perch, Hybrid Striped Bass, Trout and Catfish are also known to do well in the tank environment.

Each species of fish is going to have their own set of guidelines for proper feed amounts. Harvest-fish will be determined; by the individual specie growth cycle. Be sure to practice proper fish handling of the harvesting in the transportation of the fish to the market. For additional guidance, watch this online video or contact your local county extension office, for additional guidance. The key component to the recycling aquaculture system; is the removal of the harmful waste products and uneven food from the rearing tanks, while continuing to recycle the water. Instead of disposing of this material which you would do on a strictly aqua cultural system; the practice of aquaponics utilizes the fish effluent in the growing of plants in a hydroponic setting; as the waste and the uneven food collected at the bottom of the rearing tanks. It exits by way of PVC pipe to a clarifier or a settler.

A clarifier or a settler is where the anaerobic mineralization of the waste and uneven food occur. Overtime the waste material collected in the clarifier begins to break down and releases nutrients to the water. Trace material such as iron may have to be added to supplement the plants nutritional needs. This mineral rich water then moves through the bio-filter; a bio-filter allows for the natural biological process called nitrification to occur through the breakdown of the waste. Large amount of ammonia are released in the water, the natural bacteria present in the water will use the oxygen in an aerobic process; to efficiently convert the ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate.

The bio-medium in the bio filter expedites the process by allowing the bacteria to colonize in an area with direct water temperature, ph. and dissolve oxygen levels. This nitrate rich water then moves to the plant grow beds; the grow beds can be a soil less environment; or they may be using a growing medium like perlite or ceramic stones. The plant roots are immerse in the water absorbing the rich nutrients while simultaneously; filtering out the nitrogenous compounds that are toxic to the fish. Within the hydroponics discipline of aquaponics, there are a few different growing methods that you can choose from.

aquaponics_systemDeep water raft aquaponics uses Styrofoam mats to secure the plants in a trough of water. The seedlings are placed in net pots with the planting medium; like the cocoa peat a material from the outer shell of a coconut. Cocoa peat stimulates and protects root growth, but contains no mineral, the plants can be grown to maturity in that pots or can be removed from that pots in growing mediums; after a couple of weeks and placed in a different floating mat, to maximize space in the growing beds. Plants can also be grown in a solid medium like gravel or perlite. The aqua culture water floods the grow bed containing the plants in growing medium; this type of system is known as recirculating aquaponics or closed-loop aquaponics.

A common growing medium used is perlite; perlite is a volcanic rock that provides superior root growth by absorbing the nutrient rich water, and keeping the moisture level constant and consistent throughout the plants root system. Depending on the growing technique, there are several medium options to choose from. Seek out all available literature and contact your local extension office for additional guidance. Water is only half the equation, when it comes to plant growth; the other of course is light. Your lighting needs will depend on your location of your aquaponics system; in the mid-west where systems are in doors artificial lights will be necessary.

There are several types of lights that can be used depending on the budget and application; high up with fluorescents’ are commonly used grow lights. It’s a cost effective option with the added benefit of having low heat output; this allows for very close light placement which provides for maximum plant growth. LED grow lights are much more expensive than florescent use 2-3 times the cost or more power efficient, have longer lasting bulbs and have the flexibility of adjusting the lights spectrum. Red light is more desirable for budding plants; while blue light works better for vegetative growth. It’s possible to mitigate the cost of LED lights; by installing a track system above the grow beds and reducing the number of light fixtures needed.

Obviously there is a tradeoff, the growth rate of a plant under a constant source of light will be faster than a grow bed utilizing the track system. Metal highlights light are also used in an aquaponics system, these grow lights put on an intense amount of light high in the blue spectrum. The individual bulbs can be expensive and they do produce a considerable; amount of heat so you need to be sure that your space has proper cooling and ventilation. Metal highlights are best for large plants, while fluorescents, do better with small leafy plants. Also you want to avoid using metal highlights on seedlings, due to the intensity of the light; grow lights can be used as the sole source of light or combine with natural light in a greenhouse environment. A greenhouse provides economic advantages by reducing the amount of artificial light required.

Like selecting the species of fish, choosing what plants to grow is an important decision that affects the infrastructure and business planning. Leafy greens, like lettuce and cabbage and herbs like basil and regna do well in an aquaponics system; but any common garden vegetable can be grown. Careful consideration must be given with plants selection, because in an aquaponics operation the plant side tends to generate more income. Study the markets and choose plants that will bring the largest profit margin. Focusing on markets that will pay a premium for organically growing vegetables; like farmers market and stores that specialized in natural and organic food, packaging your own product is also an option.

For more information on plants, seek out additional literature and contact your local extension office for guidance. As the water moves through the grow bed and the plants pull out the nutrients; the filter water flows to the bed to the lowest point in the system called a sap. From there the water is pumped back into the rearing tanks and the cycle continues. Some micronutrients such as iron and magnesium may need to be added, to the system to ensure plant health.

Aquaponics reduces the environmental footprint in crop production and allows for cultivating plants in locations you don’t typically associate with farming. From a windowless basement to a remodeled urban town house, to a retrofitted factory building; as long as there is access to electricity and water, fish and crops can be raised in this indoor ecofriendly semiotic environment. However, with the ability to raise fish and grow plants indoor year round; a major issue to consider is the energy cost associated with heating and air conditioning. HBAC is one of the biggest expenses in an aquaponics operation, making sure the building is well insulated, will cut down on this cost. Water temperature needs to be maintained for the health of the fish and room temperature needs to be regulated for plant growth.

Each aquaponics systems can be designed to maximize the use of available space. A room with high ceilings can allow for the stocking of grow beds; this will require more pumps and plumbing, but he investment will allow for more plant production. Utilizing natural light from existing windows, and an old factory building; can also help by reducing artificial lighting cost. With careful planning and care taking aquaponics, can not only be an eco-friendly sustainable food production system; but a profitable business with significant growth potential. This video has provided an introduction into aquaponics; if you are thinking about starting your own operation, seek out additional information on the web and or contact your local extension office for guidance.

The post Purdue University Study On The Aquaponics System appeared first on Build Your Own Aquaponics System - DIY Indoors Or Outdoors.


Thursday, 8 September 2016

Large Scale DIY Aquaponics Systems For Outdoors

Large Scale DIY- How to Barrelponics Aquaponics’ Set Up

This is ‘The Green Cabby’ and today we are going to be walking you through, an inexpensive aquaponics set up so that you can provide food through fish; also through green for your family without ever having to clean a fish tank or without ever having to fertilize your plant. We did an amazing concept, they are using it in countries all over the world, they are using it in the hood, they are using it in the suburbs, and they are using it everywhere in the country that you can think about. The great thing about this it’s upcycling, these are barrel from an old car wash that fish soak in, these have been well cleaned up. But you see how worn they are, we were able to pick these guys up for $2.00 a piece from a local car wash. We can also find it free on Craigslist all over the place.

We are going take a 2 barrel aquaponics system here, we also found some free lumber on Craigslist; the great thing is Craigslist has a free or barter section that has free stuff all the time. They have almost anything you can think of for free and we pick up a bunch of free lumber for free; to show you how to quickly and easily convert this into a food producing unit. For about $40.00 bucks, you can produce 50-100 pounds of fish a year for your family; plus you can produce lots of fruits and vegetables through aquaponics growing. First of all, in our fish tank you are going to need a pump, that you can pump your water up to your grow beds. I just want you to hear the ponicspump $4,600.00, they are 400 Gallon per hour per pump, and we got this one on Amazon. This is the most expensive part that we have, I got it for $26.00 on and then you are going to need some 1 Inch & ¾ Inch pipe.


The queue numbers for all of this, in the box below, I pick this up at Home Depot for about 6 bucks, we are able to pick up all the piping and connections; that we need to make wonderful food producing opportunity for our family. The tools that you will need is, you will need a standard drill, that you plug in and you will also need a little jig saw; that we will use to cut out some of the pieces out of the barrel. You will also need 2 holes saw; the 2 hole saw that you are going to need are1 ¼ hole saw and 1 ¾ hole saw. Like I said, we are going to have the numbers in the box below, so you can just run to your local Home Depot and pick them up. We got the 1 inch uniseal and we also have some ¾ inch uniseal; we are going to show you how it hooks up to the system, quick and easy and it gives you the ability to grow the system so you can have more barrels, so you can add a filter or you can add a sub tank later on if you choose.

What we are going to do first is if we go ahead and cut our first barrel; in half and if you see on the top they will be 2 bump holes. So, what you will do is just cut along the seam of the barrel, this is where we actually keep seal together. We are just going to our jig saw and we are going to cut along the seam, that we have 2 growing beds out of 1 barrel. What we are going to do, we are just going to go ahead and take our jig saw and we cut along the seam of the barrel; so that we have two equal halves. So, we got the first half cut; now we are just going to flip it over and we are going to do the same thing on the other side. We got it cut in two, and then go to the top to get the last part of it done, super quick and easy.


Now we have it as you see, we have 2 grow bed, now what we are going to do, is we are going to mount these two to a wooden frame. We will have all the dimensions in the box below, in one corner we are going to have bell siphons, so that when the water fills up, the bells can actually watch it suck it back down and put it back into the fish tank; after it is already nourish the plants that are inside. That’s the first step, let’s go on to the next one; now that we have the 2 grow beds cuts, we are going to have an upright barrel this is going to be our fish tank. What we are going to do is we are going to cut half of this barrel open; so we have an access attach to be able to get the fish and be able to feed the fish and all that good stuff.

This is going to be all a giant fish tank and here at the top we will be able to take our fish, our net will be able to pull them out; we will be able to feed them or anything that we want to do. What we are going to do is, we are going to get our drill; we are going to drill our hole in here and then we are going to take our saw and cut out half of the top of the barrel. We got a little knot in there, we are going to go ahead and cut it out, and we got good access point. We will be able to access the fish and what we are going to do, we are going to go ahead and clean this up with the file. File down the edges, so that we can clean it out and be ready to insert water and fish. We are back now and we are going to be creating our frame for our 2 barrels; on top for the grow beds and then what we are going to do is, we are going to connect that frame to a base, that will be resting over our wonderful fish tank here.

We have our hose here that we are going to raise it over our fish tank, that we have the ability to have our fish tank below pop up the water into the grow bed. Then we will be ready to go with these two barrels and we got our long board that’s 70 inches. Then we are going to cap them off at the end with 27 inches and that will give us the ability; to mount them to the side and mount them to the front. Now if you want to have each set of long; you are probably going to do 71 ½ Inches of long board since you have … We are just going to ahead and drill these together with screws; so that they are held in the center on all sides and are going to be ready. Into the frame we are putting 2.5 inches wood screws we got one side down; now we are going to flip it over to the other side.

As you see here we use some boards to prop up our frames, that we can mount, screws into the grow bed, we are going to put 1 inch screws along the edges; as well as 1 inch screws across to each other. We will have a little bit of cohesion here, but it’s all going to be about the 3 sides of stability. There we have it, we have it connected with our top frame and now what we are going to do, we are going to connect the upright frame; so that we can have our fish barrel underneath and we can set up our plumbing. Now we are going to start attaching the vertical frame to this frame here, we will have the grow bed raise up the ground, so that we can have the fish tank underneath and the water pumps up with our pump.

Right here we have our frame we are using a 2 X 6; because we are able to get a free off the price list. When we use the 2 X 6, we see 2 X 4, 4 X 4, whatever you want to use; we got one leg we are going to go ahead and do the rest and show you the finish product. We have our 4 uprights done now, we are going to put cross braces in between that they have the ability; that can keep them nice and sturdy. So they don’t wobble, so don’t they fall because; they are going to be holding a lot of weight. We brace up the edges, so that we go ahead and screw it in straight. Now, what we are going to do is we are going to …and we will be ready to install our plumbing and bottom fish tank.

Once again, we have our clamps on so that we can go ahead and rest our boards and go in and apply …where it needs to go. We got the bottom frame connected, what we are going to do is we are going to flip it over and show you; what it looks like with the fish tank underneath and a frame in place. What we have here is our setup, we are going to have our grow beds on top and it’s a little bit taller. But I’m a taller person, so I wanted to be able to have enough clearance, be able to have my piping and later on install a sub-tank, as well a filter so this is going to be a basic set-up.

We will have the pump that runs up here with the plumbing to distribute water, and the water after the bell comes through will feedback into the fish tank. Next, what we are going to do, we are going to find our bottom spot of the barrel, we are going to use a pen, we are going to let it roll and what it’s going to do it’s going to find the absolute bottom of the barrel. So that when the water is draining out through your uniseal, we are going to be using 1 inch uniseal; and to do the 1 inch uniseal you are going to need 1 ¾ inch or 1.75 hole saw to go ahead and drill that. Once this reaches the bottom, what we are going to do is, we are going to mark where the bottom is so that we know where we are going to drill and when we are putting in our uniseal.

We are going to take our hole saw and we are going to go ahead and drill the spot in here; so that we can start putting the bell siphon and the plumbing to go back down to the fish tank. We have our first hole drill here, right there, so we go ahead and make sure that the hole is clean; and if you see here it’s got a nice clean edge. What you are going to do is, you are going to slide your uniseal and when you put in the pipe; it’s going to expand so it gives you a water pipe seal, it’s very nice this makes it quick and easy to plump and you don’t have any leaks with your aquaponics system, quick and easy.

As you see it takes out the little piece right there, make it a nice clean cut and what we are using, we are using the …saw. We have seen on videos where some other people use it as a …hole saw. It leaves a real rough cut edge so I just wanted to show you that, right here on the other side view uniseal. Like I said, what it will do is, it will expand as soon as we slide the pipe down in there so that you will not have any kind of water leakage. What you want to do is, when you are working with your pipe is when you are working with your bell siphon that your bell siphon leaves an inch below where the gravel is going to be; so that you don’t have any pulling on the top, which will grow algae and it also allows mosquitoes to pull.

You just want to make sure that your pipe is sending at least an inch below, that it has the ability to drain, but you are not getting any standing pool water on the top. We got it right where we want it, now the great thing about this is now that we have our stand pipe ready to go. We actually have the ability to start plumbing and put in the stuff where it needs to go. Right on the bottom we are going to put a ninety degree elbow, to make sure that we can start that siphon. You got your ninety degree elbow and then you will run yourself off that; so that you can dump it right back into the tank. We are going ahead and put the other standpipe, we will be right back.

Now we are going to make some of our basic connections, we got our 90 degree angle in the 1 inch. Basically what we are going to do, we just are going to try fit our connections make sure that they …tight fit right there; we got our 90 degree which we are just going to run our pipe fit this way. Don’t forget our 90 degree, we are going to run it right here right back into our fish tank, which is quick. We are going to plug in our pipe and find out where we can run this, right about there, connect your other 90 degree in the middle here. So you run it down, s it runs right into your fish tank. We are going to run the plumbing the other way, we can also run it into our fish tank.

Once again we are going to try and fit it, now as you see we have our pipe coming down in our 90 degree angle, coming back down in our 90. Same thing with this one here coming down in our 90 degree angle, going right back down into our fish tank, down there in the bottom. Next we are going to go ahead and put our 400 gallon an hour pump inside of our fish tank. So to connect your pump to your PVC what you are going to take, is you are going to take 1½ male by ¾ PC adapters and it’s actually going to screw right in there. When you are done with that make sure this fit tight, you can actually run your PVC right into your pump; straight up so that it’s going to provide your water up top, very nice, quick simple and easy. You don’t need all kinds of crazy connectors to do it.

Once you got your PVC running up, you are going to put your key on there, put your key on top just like so and what you are going to do is; you are going to run your 2 sets of water going each way. We went ahead and connected it in our barrel; we drilled a hole in the top so that we could get the chord and the pipe through the top of the barrel. So that in the front you can access the fish here, we have our down sprouts that are going in the fish tank and then what we have, we have our PVC pipe. This is allowing us to put water in there, you can actually adjust the 90 degree elbow up or down; to adjust the flow rate so that you can have them draining at opposite times. Now, what we are going to be working on, we are going to be working on the bell siphons. So we are going to go ahead and show you how to do that; but now you have a one barrel you have water coming up it’s going to be filtering to beds. It’s going to filter through the beds and use the solids and the nitrates to actually fertilize the plants so they can grow up super tall and wonderful. So create your siphon what you need, you going to have your pipe with a cap at the end, what you are going to do is cut some holes in it; like so the water can flow through and this will give you the ability to create suction.

We went ahead and cut our standpipe a little bit, and we put a bigger hole at the bottom; because the slits were actually getting debris caught in them. I know you probably won’t have too much of a problem when you have rocks in there; but we just want to make sure it does not get clogged. What it’s going to do is the water is going to come in; it’s going to raise up and as it pushes the air bubble, it’s going to come up and it’s going to actually start sucking in from the bottom inside, your water is going to stop wherever the last silt is.

The post Large Scale DIY Aquaponics Systems For Outdoors appeared first on Build Your Own Aquaponics System - DIY Indoors Or Outdoors.


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

How to build a simple DIY auquaponics system

Discover How To Build An Aquaponics System

Simple_aquaponics_systemFarming does not have to be a very difficult job. However, some people view farming as the hardest job around and are constantly trying to make it easier. This is when some people will think about an aquaponics system and how much easier these can make the work of a farmer, but also how much produce they can grow for themselves or their family. This is when people should know more about how to build an aquaponics system. By knowing how to do this, it will be easy for people to build a system on their own and know it is going to work for helping them in growing the produce they want to eat.


The first thing that you are going to need to do is start to gather all of your materials that you are going to need to set up your aquaponics system. These are usually very simple and can be found at almost all of the fish stores, but also at some of the garden centers as well. Here is a simple list of the items that you are going to need to have.

  • A glass or plastic fish tank that does not have any leaks.
  • You will need to get some gravel from a fish supply store, usually you will find 2.5 pounds of gravel for every 5 gallons of water is a good ratio.
  • Just like when you have an aquarium you need to have a pump and the best one that you can get for your aquaponics system is one that is large enough to circulate 100 gallons per hour.
  • Air pumps are another thing that you will need. With an aquaponics system you will need fish and they need air. So you should make sure you get the air pump that is large enough to circulate the air.
  • Just like an aquarium you need to have an air stone as well. This way you can get the air pumped into the tank.
  • Plastic tubing for the water pump and the air pump. This way you are going to be able to get the air circulated around and the water moved around as well.
  • A grow bed that is measured for the tank and has at a minimum of three inches of growing medium on the top of the tank.
  • Growing medium is something else that you are going to need to have. This way you can start to get your plants growing.
  • Plants and fish is the final item you are going to need. That is because the fish are going to provide the nutrients that your plants are going to need to grow with.



Steps To Take:

The first thing that you need to do is anything that will be dealing with the fish, especially the gravel should be rinsed off completely. This way it will be easy for you to get all the excess debris that can hurt your plants and fish alike removed. After the gravel has been rinsed you will want to put this in the bottom of the tank. Then you can add in water to your tank as well.

After you have done this you will want to drill some holes in your growing bed. These holes are very important or you could have problems with the water being pumped up and out of your tank into the grow bed and flooding over. You may want to test this out as well to make sure it is draining the water fast enough to avoid having a messy counter. Something that is important is to make sure you have a hole that is large enough to feed your tubing through as well. If you forget this step it could be very difficult for you to get the water up to the grow bed.

After you have done this you will take the water pump and place it inside of the tank with the hose running up to the grow bed. You need to leave the water hose about an inch or so above the top of the grow bed, but also make sure you have enough to loop around the grow bed, with it being above the grow bed. When you have it looped around the grow bed you need to make sure you pinch off and tape off the end of your hose.

After you have it ran around and looped up you will want to drill small holes into the hose. This way it will have a sprinkler like effect on your plants that are in the hydroponics system. After the holes have been made in the hose, you will want to take and cover it with the medium you are using for the growing.

aquaponics_system_designHooking up the air pump and air stone is going to be the next step. You will put the air stone in the tank, but then you should plug in the air pump. Make sure you have bubbles coming out of the air stone.

Checking the pH of your tank and then making sure you check the flow of the tank. You will want to let the tank sit for at least a day before you add in any fish because they need to have water that is settled. You should wait several weeks before you start to add in the plants, but if you want to get the work done quickly you can add in some plants right away, but you should be slow in how you are adding in the plants.

When you are trying to produce your own food you will find it can be a major challenge. This is when you should know more about how to build your own aquaponics system. By knowing how to build this it will be easy for you to get the system built up and know it is going to work for your needs and provide you with all the food you need.

The post How to build a simple DIY auquaponics system appeared first on Build Your Own Aquaponics System - DIY Indoors Or Outdoors.


Thursday, 1 September 2016

Indoor Aquaponics Systems

Indoor aquaponics is actually a product of aquaculture and hydroponics. It is a way which is sustainable in nature and produces a system of food production in an environment which is symbiotic in nature.

In this system, all the toxic wastes are which are accumulated in the aquaculture are filtered by the system of hydroponic. After the filtration process, the filtrated fresh water is re circulated in a system.

Well this system of indoor aquaponics is such a system by which anyone can grow their own food and can raise many kinds of fish according to the space available in the apartment.

As the name suggests it is a type of aquaculture done in some place on a yearlong basis which means it does not have any particular season.


indoor aquaponicsWho Is Facilitating And Recommend This System Of Indoor Aquaponics?

Well there is a group called renewable DIY which is a group of some guys who want to see the green earth and wants to aware all the human beings with different types of alternative renewable sources of energy.

They develop an idea of creating a small economic kit for the normal, average class people which can make their house look pretty and also help them to produce some food for them.

So they create a project of an indoor aquaponics for helping those who want to generate a system which is purely renewable and non-polluting in nature of their own.

When this system is firstly introduced then it was meant for big houses only, but then it was modified and now you can create any size according to the free space present in the house.

It has a very simple and easy guideline for setup and gets fitted in any kind of free space.

indoor aquaponics

Concept And Setup Of This System:

The concept behind this project was to create a group of renewable process which can be used by normal human beings in which they can customize every system and can do the project according to their budget.

But due to many types of renewal processes the project was huge in size and needed loads of free space in a house, so they created another small setup for this.

The setup is present in a small box which is easy to assemble. The set up of indoor aquaponics just need few steps of assembly which include unpacking the setup, put up a frame by the help of the pieces in the setup box and placing the respective bins according to their size.

After all these steps, filling of medium for growth is done according to the choice of the user and the setup is ready to put all other kinds of fish and other vegetation.


indoor aquaponics


Specifications Of The Reward System Of Indoor Aquaponics:

The basic requirements indoor aquaponics are:

Grow beds: grow medium which has measurements of 16.75” x 12” x 7”

Fish tanks: a tank which has measurements of 24.5” x 16.3” x 13.25”, which can be capable of holding 16.5 gallons of water and 6 pounds of fish.

Aerator: it is a pump for air or aeration stone which includes devices like backflow valve and tubing system.

Grow light fixture bar: this allow a timer light service, which a can help the growth of the plants even in low sunlight condition.

Water pump: this system is specially used for moving the flow of water in a rate of 70 GPH and adjusting the rate of flow.

Nutrient distributor: this is a plumbing service which allows the system to spread all the vital nutrient uniformly over the bed of grow medium, control the flooding situations and the j siphons and the drain cycle in the balanced tubes.

Heater: this device controls the temperature of the tank to provide the fish an environmental situation to grow.

Fish feeder: this is a timer which can help the user with a process of automatic fish feeding and telling the user about how much the food is taken by the fish.

indoor aquaponics

Working Of Aquaponics:

As we know about indoor aquaponics, it includes a tank of fish and a grow bed which is capable to produce an easy way to maintain a type of constant food source. This system of indoor occupancy is based on some simple logics:

There is a fish tank which has fish living in it. The food products given to the fish increase the amount of ammonia in water. This increased amount is because of the waste produced by the fish.

Then beneficial bacteria present in the system converts the ammonia in some other type of nutrients like in the form nitrates.

Then in the indoor aquaponics, water is pumped to the bed filled with medium, where there are plantations which absorb this essential nutrient and use it for their own growth and also filter the water for the fish.

Have you got yourself an aquaponics design plan? Go and get yours now! For me Aquaponics 4 You is the best guide available ever! Read my review about it here. If you want to have a copy, go to the official webpage of Aquaponics 4 You.

The post Indoor Aquaponics Systems appeared first on DIY Aquaponic System - Build Your Own Aquaculture Food Growing System In Your Backyard.


Aquaponics How To

How Are We Going To Build Our First Diy Aquaponics System?

The autonomous question which immediately hovers your mind is that if we can really create a setup diy aquaponics system and that too with dictated efficiency. Your question will no more be left unanswered, as there are definite ways by which you can quite easily set up your own aquaponic system.

diy aquaponics system

A Word About Aquaponics:

Firstly you should be deeply aware about aquaponics and related topics. Aquaponics is basically a symbiotic task which is carried out in favor of feeding a plant that too employing a mere usage of waste water from the fish tank for this needful purpose.

You must be concerned about waste water usage and the related harms from such kind of water, but you need to give it one more shot as this mere waste water not only serve the purpose of feeding plant but with this it also enhances the yield factor of herbs. It also contributes to quite healthier fishes than before.


Size Availability:

As independent of the size factor, the diy aquaponics system can be made to set up as per your required needs. From a mere 5 gallon tank space you can stretch the size factor up to the size of a huge swimming pool.

With all this the commendable advantage of this system is that you need not to care much, as no more persisting care regarding cleanliness is required and only a minimal amount of waste is generated for you to dispose with quite ease. All of this is not much of a complex deal as the things required can be approached quite easily in gardens and such places.


aquaponics setup

Steps Required In The Of A Diy Aquaponics System:

Here are the steps that are required for the construction of diy aquaponics system,
Firstly you need to fill the cooking pot of plant with some green colored pebbles you need to be quite vigilant about the fact that you have to plant it on any shelf or something like this which has to be approximately 2 feet above from that place where you have decided to place your fish tank.

As gravity will put a constant and advanced check on your complete system so the plant should be planted in such a way that it should be higher than your fish tank.

Secondly you need to secure a minimal area of 1 yard that too composed of plastic tubing to the hole at the lowermost part of the plant pot that too with the help of superglue. And moreover this tubing will have its end in the underneath to keep water fish tank.

In the third step you have to connect some more yards of the above mentioned plastic tubing to the undersized water pump and that too parallel. With that you also have to connect both the ends the graveled pot and fish tank respectively.

The mechanism involved under this is that water will be pumped from tank into the pot kept above on it. After this the clarified water will be returned to tank from the pot.

Fourthly you should feed the fishes in an absolute normal manner, not even too less neither too much but important is they should be fed twice a day. With this maintain a casual routine of cleaning the tank for once a week and if needed replace one quarter of the water present with the clean unused water with normal temperature and this routine should be followed once a week.


Final Closure To Your Setup Of Diy Aquaponics System:

By following above mentioned steps efficiently you are almost done to set a diy aquaponics system. But for all this, the chemistry behind your mechanism should be aptly applied to your plants and fishes as with this your majority success in establishing this setup is noted as up to the mark. The only thing you should allow to assist is that more and more seedling should be involved so as to let the cycle complete.



diy aquaponics systems

In Harmony With Nature:

With this you not only create a wonderful fish tank but you also indulge yourself in creating a compact ecosystem that too with absolute natural processes. It is quite worthy to be implemented as it is completely in agreement to nature it works in the same way like conversion of some waste into something useful and further making the whole system fruitful with one such technique named as diy aquaponics system.

For starter, maybe you want to read some guide to kick-start your effort. At least you won’t make hasty mistake while trying. Click Here To Read About Aquaponics 4 You.


Welcome To DIY Aquaponics Systems

Why Build Backyard Aquaponics?


The backyard aquaponics is an easy and quick way to grow vegetables and the best part is that this form of gardening gives organic, green and lush fruits and vegetables without any chemicals or preservatives that could be harmful for the body.



Moreover, for the ones who have always wanted to grow their own food, this is a marvelous opportunity. Such people may have been let go of the idea of gardening due to the messy dirt or may not have that huge a space.

But in backyard aquaponics, the fish take care of most of the work and only the weather conditions need to be monitored. This makes gardening easier and cleaner like never before.

Moreover, this kind of gardening requires much less space as compared to traditional gardening.



The Basics of Aquaponics gardening


It is a form of gardening in which fish and plants are combined to thrive together in mutual benefit. It is an organic method to grow vegetables and fish, thus paving a way to obtain healthy food easily.

A basic backyard aquaponics system contains a tank for fish and a container for vegetables or fruits. The fish waste which would otherwise just be garbage is efficiently used as a fertilizer for the growth of vegetables.

On the other hand, since the plants are grown with their roots in the water, the water is filtered to give the fish a clean environment.

Once the system for backyard aquaponics is set up, all one needs to do is monitor the water quality and provide the fish with adequate food.

This setup hence gives a sustainable food product in a short time and without the need to face the dirt and mess of traditional gardening.


Pre knowledge required

To begin with setting up the DIY backyard aquaponics system, one needs to be aware of certain things. Firstly, knowledge of the area in which the system is to be set up is needed to determine the power of the pump that will be needed.

Also the number of tanks and containers that can be placed needs to be determined. Thirdly, the kind of vegetables and fish that one intends to grow needs to be ascertained.

With all this knowledge obtained, one just needs to set up the tanks, make connections between the hoses and then cycle the tank make sure one is providing optimum quality for the fish.

If all this data seems consuming and time taking with one wanting to begin with backyard aquaponics as soon as possible, then buying a DIY aquaponics kit to set up the system is the perfect way out.

The kit comes is a ready-made to begin with aquaponics gardening.


Different kits that make setting up the system easy


AquaParts T2 Aquaponics Plumbing Kit:

AquaParts T2 Aquaponics Plumbing Kit

  • All the plumbing parts (33 total) you will need to build a thriving aquaponic system out of two grow beds and fish tank. (grow bed and fish tank not included)
  • 1 Grounded 15 minute increment timer
  • 2 Media Guards and Vinyl Tubing
  • A PDF with links to seven 10 – 15 minute long private videos to help guide you on everything from selecting your grow bed and fish tank to understanding how the pump works!
  • A fully illustrated step-by-step set of instructions to guide you through the entire project


AquaParts SS3 Aquaponics Plumbing Kit:

AquaParts SS3 Aquaponics Plumbing Kit

  • All the plumbing parts (83 total) you will need to build a 3 bed aquaponic system with a sump tank and a fish tank. (grow beds and tanks not included)
  • Three AquaParts Bell Siphons with Media Guards…one even has a View Window!
  • Perfect for three IBC totes as shown in Murray Hallam’s DIY Aquaponics Video
  • A PDF with links to eleven 10 – 15 minute long private videos to help guide you on everything from selecting your grow beds and fish tank to understanding how the bell siphons work
  • A fully illustrated step-by-step set of instructions to guide you through the entire project

Aquarium Biogarden:

aquarium biogarden

  • Small effective table top aquaponics system
  • Great for beginners
  • Great way to grow food while raising fish
  • Another great item from Flora Hydroponics


Thus, Aquaponics gardening is a lot better than traditional gardening as it is not only able to produce more vegetables, but also that one need not worry about dirt or messing around as well as the food that is being grown without any chemicals or toxic substances.

So backyard aquaponics is gardening without worry of pests, weeds and soil dirt – an efficient way to garden.

By the way, if you are still searching for some guide to start your aquaponics system. I highly recommended Aquaponics 4 You. You can read about it here.

